2/17/25 DARK—President’s Day Week 2/18/25 Board Meeting (5:30pm) @Dominic’s house 2/24/25 Dave Sumpter, USAF 3/3/25 Thess Sanchez, Estate Planning 3/10/25 (possible Tour @ Troopathon) 3/17/25 (possible Top Golf Fellowship) 3/24/25 Jeannine Sparks/Karen Cendro -Empowering Girls Projects Join Zoom Meeting Occurs Monday from 12:15 PM to 1:30 PM Meeting ID: 862 4529 9428 Passcode: 399637 |
Perfect Attendance programHere are some photos below from the Perfect Attendance program at the Gateway Outreach Academy. Each year, our club sponsors $500 towards this wonderful program. As you can see from the pictures, several students continue to strive and achieve this amazing goal to celebrate at John’s Incredible Pizza at the end of the school year. Great job & congrats to the kids!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rotarians at Work Day (People of Action)
Demotion Golf TournamentAugust 24, 2020 The Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands Demotion Golf Tournament for President Roland Wright starts with a short speech by Past President Patrick Magnani. Treasurer Dominic Mecklenburg sets up the first ball on the tee to be started off by his guest Steve Aicher. As you can see from this video the ball explodes upon contact! This was just the beginning of the fun and practical jokes during our play on the course, as there was an unannounced air horn on one fairway and we tee’d off with an Easton on another hole as well. In attendance was our newest President, Marilee Monagan, Brent Sizer and their two friends Sallie Kay and Mike Stodghill. We also were joined by our newest Rotarian Miguel Benitez for great day on the course. It was definitely a much-needed day of outdoor fun and fellowship. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Vocational ScholarshipsOur small but mighty club has given for decades to support vocational scholarships at American River College. We are so proud of this partnership! Typically, we get a visit and/or a thoughtful note from all the recipients. This year, we received something that we can share so you can see and hear for yourself where some of our fundraising efforts and dollars generated get reinvested into the community. Listen to where the students are, and where they plan to go...enjoy! |
FellowshipBocce Ball Fellowship Night! 6-9-20 Pictures by Brent Seizer Those in attendance: 18 PP Dominic, Mary and Steven Mecklenburg President Roland and Diane Wright PP Patrick, Jennifer, Anthony and Madeline Magnani Sondra Wildman PE Marilee Monagan and Brent Seizer PP Lee Wiggins PP Bob Spears PP Joe Kaiser RYE Student Mario with host parents Yaro and Maryia PP Dominic and Mary hosted a club fellowship event at their home and in their backyard. It included some Bocce Ball. They had just finished the installation of their new court! (Special thanks to Roland, Patrick and Mario for their tremendous help!!) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Community Service Project
Rotary Club of Foothill Highlands RYE student Mario with a public service announcement![]() |
Speech ContestDistrict 5180 Club-level speech contest March 2, 2020 This year’s theme: “connect to inspire” ![]() Teacher Scott Rauschkolb with Moira Peacor from Rio Linda High School, Isabella Acosta and Amber Chambers with Teacher Matt Parris from Antelope High School |
Rise Against Hunger Meal Packing Experience
Lip SyncHere is the video submission for the Rotary Club of Foothill Highlands in the 1st annual District 5180 Lip Sync Challenge for our annual district conference. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it! Who says you can’t have fun volunteering for a non-profit? Strong!!! |
Bob Meyer 50th year as a RotarianPP Bob Meyer celebrated his 50th year as a Rotarian and member of the Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands on Aug 16. President Roland Wright presented Bob with a Rotary watch to celebrated his 50th year. ![]() |
District Governors VisitWe had a fabulous District Governor visit today! DG Ray Ward and his travel insurance Stacy Graham, ADG Dave and Michaeline Veden. They really enjoyed the day with Foothill-Highlands Rotary Club on the yacht “At Last” out of Miller Park, Sacramento. There were 18 aboard the ship as the cruise left the marina and voyaged upriver to the I-80 bridge and down river to south Sacramento and back. Glorious day on the water! Thanks to Captain Dick and Admiral Sam for the voyage! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dictionary ProjectOn December 20th, just in time for Christmas, Foothill-Highlands Rotarians distributed dictionaries at Hillsdale Elementary School in North Highlands to Mrs Stilton 3rd Grade Class. It was heartwarming to witness the excitement of the kids when they learned each of them would get their very own dictionary to take home. Each student enthusiastically took a pledge to learn one new word every day. |
Tour of Dome Printing, McClellan ParkTour of Dome Printing, McClellan Park, December 10, 2018 The painting was done by David Garibaldi ![]() Members and guests, back row: Katy Wright, Roland Wright, Gordon Lipp, President Patrick and Bob Meyer. Front row: David Hansen, Joe Kaiser, Richard Hansen, Marilee Monagan and Brent Seizer. |
RYLAPP Dominic Mecklenburg introduced our speakers Olivia and Emily from Rio Linda High School who our club sponsored at this years RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awakening) Camp, they will be seniors this fall.Olivia and Emily shared some of there personal experiences and activities that they took part in. They had a great time and the camp gave them more confidence. Emily, Olivia and President Patrick ![]() |
Tour of the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Crime Lab.On Monday, September 24th, we toured the Crime Lab located at 4800 Broadway in Sacramento. PP Marilee Monagan arranged for the tour. 20 Rotarians and friends enjoyed the tour. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Recognition for what we did for Strizek Park
President Roland's Demotion![]() President Roland asked President Elect Patrick Magnani to join him, where he presented Patrick with his President’s pin and a new gavel. Joining them were their wives Jennifer and Diane. |
Night at the Museum FundraiserJoin us Friday night June 8 for a fun night at our night at the Museum Fundraiser more information on the web site ![]() |
Rotary House -Big Day of GivingGet more information by going to ![]() |
EREY/PAUL HARRIS SUSTAINING FELLOW PRESENTATIONPDG Barbara Tracy presented PP Dominic Mecklenburg and Foundation Chair Marilee Monagan with banners representing our giving to The Rotary Foundation during the 2016-17 Rotary year. We were recognized for being an EREY and a 100% Paul Harris Sustaining Fellow Club. The latter meaning every member gave at least $100 to the Rotary Foundation. This is the fourth consecutive year the club has been recognized for its Foundation Giving. ![]() |
Speech ContestEach year the clubs in Rotary District 5180 host a speech contest centered around Rotary International's Theme for that year. On Monday, the Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands hosted three students representing Antelope High School and Rio Linda High School in the annual club-level speech contest. This year’s theme was “Making a Difference." It was interesting to hear how each student perceived the theme and took different approaches to develop their respective speeches. The students were accompanied by their teachers and some family members who cheered them on and shared in their successes. Special kudos to our winner and best of luck at the next level. ![]() ![]() |
New MemberNew Member DG Sandi Sava likes to induct new members when she visits Rotary clubs. As a special treat during our holiday party, DG Sandi inducted Mary Mecklenburg into our club. She shared some interesting tidbits about Mary's background before presenting Mary with a Women in Rotary pin and asked the Rotarians to come forward to officially welcome Mary into the Foothill-Highlands Rotary family. We are so excited to have Mary as our newest member. ![]() |
Mystery Bus TripThe Rotarians and guests gathered at the Lions Gate Hotel parking lot at 10:00am and boarded the bus. ![]() ![]() Dominic Mecklenburg entertains the guests. After passing though Marysville we guessed where we were headed, Oroville. When we arrived in Oroville we picked up our guide Jana Frazier from the State Department of Water Resources She pointed out some of the history of Oroville on the way to the Oroville Dam Overlook. ![]() Our next stop was the Oroville Fish Hatchery ![]() ![]() After leaving Oroville we returned to the Sacramento area and headed to the Newcastle area and the Hillenbrand Farmhaus Brewery where we had a catered dinner. ![]() ![]() |
Sac Brew FestHaving a Great Time While Raising Funds for the Homeless. The World’s Longest Teeter-Totter made its annual appearance at the 23rd California Brewers Festival on Saturday, September 16th and was available to Festival Goers for the ride of their lives. Foothill-Highlands Rotarians with the help of Point West Rotarians joined with Sac State Rotaractors at Discovery Park to raise money for the Rotaractors Project to assemble much needed hygiene kits for distribution to the homeless in Sacramento. |
Back-to-School Backpack ProjectBack-to-School Backpack Project Foothill-Highlands Rotarians began collecting donations of new backpacks in mid-August and collected them until last Wednesday. Our Immediate Past President took the backpacks to the Pacific Charter Institute which supports the Heritage Peak Charter School and the new backpacks were distributed to students in need. We collected 35 backpacks which surpassed our goal of 20.
Making a difference in our community one backpack at a time. |
Estate Sale Fund RaiserEstate Sale Fund Raiser Saturday, July 29th from 9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. in the parking lot of Walnut Whitney Dental Offices. Sale items were picked up from storage Friday night and stored in a rental truck over night.. Photos by Dominic Mecklenburg Lee Wiggins and Richard Hansen President Roland Wright hard at work loading left over items to be returned to storage for our next sale.
Picture from the New board retreat social at the Art Bistro![]() ![]() Fun night at the Art Bistro for the Board Retreat. Plenty of fellowship, libations, and newly discovered artistic talent!
Night at the MuseumTeam Mecklenburg Great Job Selling Balloon Pops (More photos by Mary Mecklenburg on photo page) |
Vocational Service TourIn keeping with this month’s Rotary International Theme—Vocational Service—members of the Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands toured the Roseville Telephone Museum on Vernon Street in historic Roseville.
From left to right: John Hallsten, PP Bob Meyer, PE Roland Wright, Jordan Backhaus, Gordon Lipp, President Dominic, our tour guides, Sam Morgan, PP Maureen McBride and PP David Stone.
Missing from the picture is PEN Patrick Magnani (not sure where he disappeared to).
Bench DedicationFoothill-Highlands Rotarians gathered on December 12th at Freedom Park in North Highlands to dedicate a bench to the North Highlands Parks and Recreation District.
President Gene Longs DemotionPresident Gene Long's Demotion Video by Dominic
Photos from The Night at the Museum FundraiserPhotos from The Night at the Museum Fundraiser
Go to Night at the Museum web site
Thanks to all the Volunteers that made our fundraiser a success
Seven Sacramento State Rotaract Volunteers (left side of photo)
Back row from the left to right is Andrew Noble, Carina Angel and Lianne Woo. In front row President: Angelina Burkley, Maria Ramos and Vanessa Martinez and in front is Vivian Chu.
Two Interact Volunteers (right) Curtiss Wright and Nick Mecklenburg |
Sacramento Regional District Speech ContestThe Regional District Speech Contest was held at the Double Tree Hotel tonight. Those clubs participating in the contest were Arden Arcade, Carmichael, Fair Oaks, Foothill-Highlands, Natomas, North Sac, Point West, South Sacramento and East Sacramento.
Those in attendance to cheer our student to victory were: Gordon and Polly Lipp, President Gene and his daughter, Courtney, Past Presidents Marilee Monagan, Maureen McBride and Bob Spears.
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North Highlands Little LeagueNorth Highlands Little League
This past Saturday was Opening Day for the North Highlands Little League. Jordan Backhaus attended the ceremonies on behalf of State Farm and Rotary.
The Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands provided financial support for this worthwhile youth activity in our service area.
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Speech Contest![]() |
dictionary VideoVideo of David Stone and Dominic Mecklenburg at F.C. Joyce Elementary School, Mrs. Clark's class.
Dictionary ProjectPresident Gene announced that for today’s program the Rotarians and guests would be distributing 114 dictionaries at two schools in our service area. There were two groups, President Gene along with PP Roland Wright and Courtney Long went to Hillsdale Elementary School. The second group which included Past Presidents Patrick Magnani, David Stone and Dominic Mecklenburg went to F.C. Joyce Elementary School.
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100% Sustaining Member Club100% Sustaining Member Club
District Foundation Chair PDG Robert Deering and Annual Giving Chair ADG Jack Arney presented President Gene Long with a banner recognizing the Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands as one of only four clubs in District 5180 who achieved the status of 100% Paul Harris Sustaining Member Club, which meant every member of the club contributed at least $100 during the 2014-15 Rotary year.
Mini Rotarians-at-Work Day ProjectMini Rotarians-at-Work Day Project
On Friday, November 13th starting at 9:30am, we had a mini Rotarians at Work Day Project for a local resident of Antelope. The Rotarians lifted a piece of sidewalk, trimmed back some tree roots and placed the concrete slab back in place like a puzzle piece. It was successful, we’re done! There was no cost to the Club. The crew providing the manpower included Past Presidents Dominic Mecklenburg, Patrick Magnani, Roland Wright, President Gene Long and Jeff Donlevy,
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World's Longest Teeter-Totter![]() |
DonationsA Special THANKS to Janet Adkins from Metropolitan Corporate Services in West Sacramento for the generous donations to our Rotary Club. David Stone organized several loads of materials such as; office chairs, desks, file cabinets, shelving, e-waste, scrap materials, etc. This material has already started helping the local community schools and Children's Receiving Home of Sacramento!
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Official District Governor’s Visit![]() Official District Governor’s Visit
President Gene Long presented District Governor Glenn Fong with a certificate stating the Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands will make a $100 donation in his name to The Rotary Foundation/End Polio Now Campaign.
Rotaract InstitutePP and District Rotaract Chair Roland Wright received the following thank you.
Hello Roland, this is Eric Muller from the Sacramento State Rotaract Club. I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend the Big West Rotaract Institute. I had a great time and learned many useful skills to implement at my club! I met many great students and Rotaractors from all around the West Coast, and I was inspired to further my hopes of doing humanitarian work throughout the world from Past Rotary International president Richard King, whom was a keynote speaker at the event. It was an amazing experience, and I am grateful for district 5180 sponsoring me for this event. Again, thank you Mr. Wright!
- Eric Muller
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Perfect Attendance Program![]() Perfect Attendance Program
Under the direction of Youth Services Director Gene Long, the Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands once again sponsored the Perfect Attendance Program for the Community Outreach Academy in McClellan, CA. There were 86 students who qualified. Of those, 74 students attended the event accompanied by five chaperones, three bus drivers and their sixth-grade teacher, Mr. Tim Strauch, II, in charge. Their reward was a few hours of food, fun and arcade games at John’s Incredible Pizza in Roseville in celebration of their fine accomplishment. Each of these students did not miss one day of school all year long. WOW!!! They were extremely grateful to Rotary for our continued sponsorship.
Thanks to PP Dominic Mecklenburg for representing the club at the festivities.
Museum TourThe Foothill-Highlands Rotary meet for lunch at the new Coffee Hangar Café, at McClellan Park on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, then proceed to the California Statewide Museum Collections Center. 4940 Lang Avenue, McClellan Park for a 1:30 pm tour. The tour was arranged by Rotarian Marilee Monagan. Attending were John Hallsten, Gordon and Polly Lipp, Patrick Magnani, President Rich Ryan, Gene Long, Roland Wright and Gary Monk. |
Night at the Museum PhotosFor Photos of this years Night at the Museum event go to:
Event Chair and Auctioneer David Stone
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Night at the MuseumThe Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands wish to thank the SacState Rotaract Volunteers who helped made Fridays ‘Eighth Annual Night at the Museum’ at the California State Railroad Museum such a success.
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Rotaract at Sac StateRotaract at Sac State
We would like to thank Roland Wright from the Foothill Highlands Rotary for his generous gift of a new banner for us! Thank you ! — with Angie M. Burkley, Brian Tolentino and Roland Wright. ![]() |
Jr ROTC Ball at the Lions Gate Hotel on 2-6-2015Jr ROTC Ball at the Lions Gate Hotel on 2-6-2015
This picture was taken at the Jr ROTC Ball at the Lions Gate Hotel on 2-6-2015. In attendance (in the picture) at our table were David and Sharon Stone, Bob Meyer, Shane Yang, and John Hallsten. Shane Yang is the principal at the Pacific High School.
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Sac State Rotaract & Foothill-Highlands Rotary Back-Pack DriveRotaract Club Back-Pack Drive The Rotaract Club of Sacramento State University organized a Back-Pack and School Supply Drive for the kids at the Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento. In the photo attached is; To the left is Rich Ryan – CFO at the Receiving Home, middle is Angie Burkley – Vice President & PE, right is Brian Tolentino – President of the Rotaract Club.
Special thanks goes to Rotarians; Sam Morgan, Jeff Donlevy, Pat Magnani, Bob Meyer, Rich Ryan & Roland Wright for their donations to make this happen. The Sac State Rotaract Club donated items to stock them with such as; warm gloves, rulers, binders, pens, pencils, paper and puzzles. |
Optimist Food BasketsOptimist Food Baskets
The Optimist are very excited to receive our donation of $250 for their Holiday Gift Basket program. We helped putting together the baskets on December 17th from 5pm – 7pm at the Zion Lutheran Church. Rotarians helping were Roland Wright, Jeff Donlevy and Daughter, Rich Ryan, Maureen McBride and Pat Magnani. Wow! what a wonderful bunch of gift food boxes to support our community in need... ![]() |
Dictionary Distribution December 15, 2014Dictionary Distribution
We delivered dictionaries to two schools in our service area. Youth Services Director Gene Long solicited the help of Antelope High school Interactors to place “bookplates” in each dictionary so the recipients can easily write their names in the books.
![]() ![]() PP Roland Wright, PP Bob Meyer and PE Gene Long at Creative Connections Arts academy - Arts A Class
PP Patrick Magnani, PP David Stone and Gary Monk at F.C. Joyce Elementary School
Club Fireside/Social at President Rich Ryan’s houseClub Fireside/Social at President Rich Ryan’s house
North Highlands JubileeThe North Highlands Jubilee
The North Highlands Jubilee was held on October 25, 2014 a FREE community festival held at Freedom Park next to the Aerospace Museum of California. This Festival brings together the entire North Highlands community to celebrate all the neighborhood has to offer.
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County Supervisors at North Highlands Jubilee![]() |
North Highlands Jubilee 2014 Video by Roland Wright |
Community Service work project |
Rotary Scholarships Awarded in North Highlands AreaRotary Scholarships Awarded in North Highlands Area President Rich Ryan and PP Roland Wright with scholarship recipients Corey, Mykala, Rachael, Breonna, Mitzi, Taylor, Luke and Laura. The Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands awarded scholarships to students from area schools including: Antelope High School, Center High School, Foothill High School, Highlands High School, Natomas Charter School, Rio Linda High School and CSU, Sacramento. Students were given an opportunity to give a brief synopsis of their educational status, to describe their educational ambitions and to discuss their future community service goals. Each student was given a framed certificate and presented with a check for $500. The first 8 students were recognized today, the remaining 12 students will be recognized next month.
Tour of Beale AFB on July 11, 2014 |
President Patrick's DemotionPresident Patrick's Demotion Video by
Mary Mecklenburg
For additional photos go to Photo Page or select
North Highlands Memorial Day ParadeNorth Highlands Memorial Day Parade
Foothill Highlands Rotary float with the Sac State Rotaract Teeter-Totter,
the largest Teeter-Totter in the world—85’ 3” in length.
District Conference Club Awards
Presidential Citation President Patrick Magnani
Speech Contest Winners
Key Note Speaker Amanda Wirtz
Dinner with R.I. President Ron D. BurtonDinner with R.I. President Ron D. Burton![]() Club President Patrick Magnani and wife, Jennifer with R.I. President Ron D. Burton at the
Doubletree Hotel on Arden Way Sunday, March 30th
Dinner was hosted by District 5180 Governor Bill Short.
District Grant Project at the Children’s Receiving Home of SacramentoDistrict Grant Project at the Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento |
Dist 5180 Club-level Speech ContestDistrict 5180 Club-level speech contestThis year’s theme “Engage Youth... Change Lives”From Antelope High School were Teacher and Speech Coach Matt Parris, Students Benjamin Logan and Courtney Long and Speech Contest Chairman Bob Spears.Courtney Long won first place and will advance to the area-level contest.
Dictionary Project |
Cambodia Well ProjectCambodia Well Project![]() For 20-plus years, the Rotary Club of Foothill-Highlands has supported efforts to provide clean drinking water to several towns in third-world countries—one of those being Cambodia.
November Fellowship Outing 1st Annual Patrick Magnani Wine Tasting Contest!November Fellowship Outing 1st Annual Patrick Magnani Wine Tasting Contest!![]() This past Sunday, November 17th, PP Dominic Mecklenburg organized the November Fellowship Event in Plymouth, CA. The group began the morning at the Villa Toscano winery, where they all tasted some delicious wines and discovered amazing gourmet mustard that paired really well with pretzels and sour dough bread nuggets. Everyone left with a delicious souvenir! Then, they popped over to Villa Toscana's sister winery, Bella Piazza, for a wonderful Sunday brunch and some of the best fellowship around!
Attendees included: President Patrick and Jennifer Magnani, PP Dominic and Mary Mecklenburg and PP Bob and Dayme Meyer.
Services for Andrew J. SmithAndrew J. Smith Jr.
Vocational Tour of the Recycling Industries plant on Watt ave.![]() Vocational Tour of the Recycling Industries plant on Watt ave.
![]() Vocational Tour of the Recycling Industries plant on Watt ave. in North Highlands. Hosting our vocational tour was Rotarian Jeff Donlevy, Business Development Manager for Recycling Industries and David Kuhnen, General Manager and CFO. Rotarians on hand for the tour were: PP Sharon Bias, John Hallsten, Richard Hansen, PP Joe Kaiser, PP Maureen McBride, PP Bob Meyer, PE Rich Ryan, PP David Stone, PP Lee Wiggins and PP Roland Wright. |
Governor’s Energizers Award presented Dominic MecklenburgDistrict Governor Bill Short Presents the District 5180 Governor’s Energizers Award.
This year DG Bill Short and his fellow governors in Zone 25 decided to recognize Rotarians in their respective clubs with an Energizer Award. Each club president was asked to provide the governor with the name of an individual who has done the most to re-energize members and get them involved in the club’s activities. Our club’s “energizer” is PP Dominic Mecklenburg. Dominic brings a great deal of energy and enthusiasm to our club meetings and activities. Congratulations to Dominic on this special recognition. |
Monthly Fellowship continues with Rotary Bowling Day!![]() Monthly Fellowship continues with Rotary Bowling Day! On Saturday, August 17th, the Foothill Highlands Rotary Club had a BOWLING DAY, marking the 2nd event in a series of monthly fellowship activities for this year. 18 were present for this recreational activity. Link to Additional Photos on Photo Page Amazing video of President Patrick |
Roland's Demotion![]() 2012-2013 President Roland Wright presents the gavel to 2013-2014 President Patrick Magnani Demotion Video by Mary Mecklenburg |
Highlights of This Week’s ProgramTeacher of the Year Award
Gene Long, President Roland, Rick Matteoli and Matt Parris
Member Gene Long presented our Vocational Services Teacher of the Year Award. Gene was particularly impressed with the Antelope Speech and Debate studies. His daughter was forced to take a class in Speech and Debate, and complained bitterly at the start of the school year. By the end of the year, she was in love with the class. Gene credits the teachers with inspiring his daughter. Rick Matteoli, the Vice-Principal at Antelope High School, introduced Matt Parris. Matt is our Teacher of the Year. He teaches speech and debate. The Antelope High School debate team is very new. In its 1st year it sent 2 students to the State level competition. In its 2nd year, it sent 3 students. Having spent 37 years in the field of education, Rick has rarely seen a teacher inspire such success in their students. Matt says his primary goal is motivating students. Not all kids immediately find their niche in school. Matt helps them. With 40 kids in a class, it’s hard for each child to find something within themselves to be proud of. Matt says he lives for each day when a child has a “oh yeah” look on their face. They have found something new about themselves. It’s a wonderful feeling. Matt thanked the club for its donation. It will be used to buy subscriptions to journals and magazines for the club. |
Dictionary ProjectPast Presidents Marilee Monagan and Joe Kaiser deliver dictionaries at FC Joyce Elementary School On Monday, January 14, 2013 following our regular weekly meeting, two groups of Rotarians delivered dictionaries to local third graders. President Roland Wright, John Hallsten, PP Joe Kaiser, PP Marilee Monagan and PP David Stone visited FC Joyce to deliver 65 dictionaries. IPP Dominic Mecklenburg, PE Patrick Magnani and PP Bob Meyer delivered 56 books to Creative Connections Arts Academy. |
Mark Your Calendars!Here you can post little tidbits of information, reminders, or anything else!
“Bring A friend To Rotary Day”“Bring A friend To Rotary Day” “Bring A friend To Rotary Day” featured a presentation by Sacramento County Supervisor Phil Serna |
Induction of New MemberWe had the pleasure of inducting our newest member at today's meeting. PP and Instructor Bob Spears began by reviewing THE HISTORY of ROTARY and outlining the OBJECTS OF ROTARY and THE FOUR-WAY TEST as well as the benefits and responsibilities of being a Rotarian. Kwanchai Patanapongpibul was sponsored by PP David Stone with the classification “Restaurant Management” and is the owner of the Phaya Thai Restaurant on Marconi Ave. Bob invited David and Kwanchai to the podium. Bob then presented Kwanchai with a new member packet containing the Four-Way Test, Objects of Rotary, a Certificate of Membership, and a new member ribbon. Bob then asked David to present Kwanchai with his Rotary pin. The membership was then invited to the front of the room to personally welcome Kwanchai into the Foothill-Highlands Rotary family. |
Special Presentation
Perfect Attendance Program
Security and Integrity of Your Data
ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies. Hosted in a world class data centre with redundant power, Internet backbones and 24/7 security and monitoring, you can rest assured that your club data is safe and protected. Your members' contact information is secured behind unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted, for example, a member can only view the list of members, but can modify his or her own personal information.
Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site. |