Rotary Club of
Serving the Greater Sacramento Area
communities of
Antelope, Elverta,
Foothill Farms, McClellan,
North Highlands and 
Rio Linda areas since 1959
 Mailing Address:
 Foothill Highlands Rotary Club
North Highlands, CA. 95660

Donate to Rotary with PayPal

Pay your Bill to your Club or Donate to help our Rotary Club support local charitable and nonprofit causes.
Foothill-Highlands Rotary Club Foundation is a
non-profit 501(c)(3)organization.

EIN 68-0392810


John Hallsten

Donate to the Foothill-Highlands Rotary Club, "John Hallsten Vocational Service Fund"
A non-profit 501(c)(3)organization. EIN 68-0392810


Welcome to our Club!
We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:15 p.m.
Lions Gate Hotel at McClellan Park
3410 Westover Street
North Highlands (McClellan), CA 95652
United States of America
Mondays at 12:15 PM
Pay Pal Rotaract

Rotaract Club members, Pay your Bill to your Club or Donate to help our Rotary Club support local charitable and nonprofit causes.
Foothill-Highlands Rotary Club Foundation is a
non-profit 501(c)(3)organization.

EIN 68-0392810


What Have We Been Up To?
2/17/25     DARK—President’s Day Week
2/18/25     Board Meeting (5:30pm)
                              @Dominic’s house
2/24/25   Dave Sumpter, USAF
3/3/25      Thess Sanchez, Estate Planning
3/10/25    (possible Tour @ Troopathon)
3/17/25   (possible Top Golf Fellowship)
3/24/25 Jeannine Sparks/Karen Cendro  -Empowering Girls Projects
Join Zoom Meeting
Occurs Monday from 12:15 PM to 1:30 PM
Meeting ID: 862 4529 9428
Passcode: 399637
Here are some photos below from the Perfect Attendance program at the Gateway Outreach Academy.  Each year, our club sponsors $500 towards this wonderful program.  As you can see from the pictures, several students continue to strive and achieve this amazing goal to celebrate at John’s Incredible Pizza at the end of the school year.  Great job & congrats to the kids!!!
President Miguel and his wife Tonya along with PE Teresa and two friends from her church met on Saturday morning for a cleanup along Roseville Road, just north of Madison.  For about three hours, they picked up several bags a piece and piled them high.  Special thanks to PP Pat for coordinating with Sacramento PBID, Chris Evans with the Property Business Improvement District and the County of Sacramento.  Their bag donations and pickup on Monday was the last thing needed to mark this project a success!
Officers & Directors
President Elect
Vice President
Executive Secretary
Rotary Foundation